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Advancing Knowledge, Driving Discovery

At SenseLab, we're passionate about delving into the depths of spatial informatics to uncover insights that can benefit society and the environment. Developing research in cutting-edge fields of Uncrewed Systems & Drones, Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Machnine Learning, Surveying and Mapping. With a multidisciplinary approach and by combining expertise from various domains we are able to address complex challenges and create innovative solutions.

Respecting the genuine function of a University we attempt not to focus on recurring applications and methods but to advance basic research, combinational research, solutions and proof of concepts in present and future challenges including:

  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for mapping/ communication/ collision avoidance,

  • Navigation in GNSS-denied environments,

  • UAV custom construction, autonomous behavior, algorithms and image processing, multi-modal navigation, object detection and tracking, hardware programming,

  • GNSS coordinate precision enhancement fusing drones, on-board and real time analysis of collected data,

  • Automation in precision landing on moving platforms,

  • AI-deep learning algorithms for 3D mapping and navigation,

  • Swarm collaborative missions, autonomous collaboration with unmanned terrestrial systems,

  • Graphical user interfaces in spatial databases/ queries by sketch/ gestural user interfaces,

  • Spatiotemporal data modeling/ topology/ scene similarity/ trajectory behavioral analysis,

  • Multi-temporal satellite image processing/ classification novel algorithms/ monitoring,

  • Location based services/ e-Government applications, Smart Cities, Space technology,

  • GIS tangible systems/ 3D Visualization/ Mobile applications/ Crowdsourcing,

  • Neuro-morphing and cognitive processes in image processing,

  • Neural networks/ Self-organizing map generalization,

  • Optimization of belt conveyor location in mines/ Image processing in mineral liberation

  • Video processing for Natural Hazards monitoring,

  • Space, geology, agriculture, environmental, mining, global change, architecture, archaeology, rockfall monitoring, indoors mapping, search & rescue, wetland and coastal monitoring, agrifood applications, powerline and infrastructure inspection, thermal inspection, underwater mapping and navigation, neuroscience applications.