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Research Projects

Research in Action: Our Projects Spotlight

  • Principal Investigator (P.I.). “Astraios - Analysis of Skills, Training, Research, And Innovation Opportunities in Space”, funded by the European Union (Horizon Europe), under Grant Agreement No. 101082636.

  • P.I. “Support for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Maturity Actions for the Exploitation of the Research Activity and the New Products and Services developed at the Technical University of Crete”, funded by the Operational Programme Human Resources Development Education and Lifelong Learning, co-funded by Greece and the European Union (ESF), MIS 5161068.

  • P.I. “Operational funding of Technology Transfer Structures and Actions at the Technical University of Crete” funded by the Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020, (EPAnEK), co-funded by Greece and the European Union (ERDF), MIS 5136151.

  • Co-PI. “AID4PV: UAV-based decision-making and modular approach to support PV plant diagnosis using EL, RGB, IRT imagery, correlated with electrical data analysis and advanced reporting and geovisualization”, SOLAR-ERA.NET, 2021-ongoing.

  • P.I., “SandMap”, co-financed by Greece and the European Union under the call RESEARCH-CREATE-INNOVATE II, 2020-ongoing.

  • P.I., “Drones 2 GNSS: UAV enabled precision measurements in obstructed environments”, co-financed by Greece and the European Union under the call RESEARCH-CREATE-INNOVATE (project code: T1EDK-03209), 2018-ongoing

  • P.I. - Coordinator, Crete-GIS, an all-inclusive GIS architecture for the island of Crete, Prefecture of Crete, 2017-ongoing.

  • Research Task Leader, “DESiRES-DESign of DESalination systems based on optimal usage of multiple Renewable Energy Sources” (ERANETMED_NEXUS-14-049) funded by the ERA-ΝΕΤ Initiative “EURO-MEDITERRANEAN Cooperation through ERANET joint activities and beyond (ERANETMED)”.

  • Co- P.I., Development of a prototype real 3-D forming touch table for interactive 3-D Geographical Information System, “Cooperation 2011” funded from the Operational Program “Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship”, cofunded by the European Regional Development Fund, managed by the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology 2012-2015, budget: 1,392,900 Euros.

  • P.I. - Coordinator, Information Center for Natura 2000 areas of Crete – WebGIS, Prefecture of Crete, 2014-2015.

  • P.I. - Coordinator, Mapping of steep Rocks near Palaiochora highway using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Municipality of Palaiochora, Greece, 2015.

  • Project Coordinator: Development of a prototype Unmanned Aerial Swarm Communication System for mapping missions, Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the University of Crete, Operational Program Education and Learning, Co-funded from the European Union and National Funds, 2015.

  • Researcher, Photogrammetric survey of Fragokastello Castle Archaeological site using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, 2015.

  • P.I., European Space Agency, Project No: 11655, Monitoring ground subsidence due to ground and underground mining activities in northern Greece, 2012.

  • Helmholtz-Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Bilateral Educational Exchange Program Greece-Germany, 2014.

  • FP7-REGPOT-2008-1 Project No: 229885 "SOFIA: Enhancement of Crete's potential for a dedicated calibration facility for satellite radar altimeters and for tectonic deformation monitoring using continuously operating geodetic arrays", 2008-2014, Technical University of Crete, Laboratory of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering.

  • FP7, Early Recognition, Monitoring, and Integrated Management of Emerging, New Technology related Risks, iNTeg-Risk, Project coordinator: European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management EEIG (EU-VRi), 2008-2013, Total project budget: ~19.3 million €.

  • “Cooperation 2011” project ISTRIA (11_SYN_9_13989), Development of an integrated system for the identification of rock falls on motorways, funded from the Operational Program “Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship” (co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)) and managed by the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology, 2012-2015.

  • P.I. - Coordinator, Spatiotemporal Queries by Sketch in Moving Object Geodatabases, Technical University of Crete, 2010, Support on Basic research.

  • Anthropogenic Intervention assessment in Greek coastal regions, co-funded by the European Social Fund and National Resources - (EPEAEK II) ARXIMHDHS.

  • Digital Government on Knowledge Management Over Time-Varying Geospatial Datasets, sponsored by National Science Foundation (NSF).

  • Geospatial Database-Driven Extraction of Information from Digital Aerial Imagery, sponsored by NSF.